There is an abundance of information about drugs available on the Web. Data sources range from medicinal\r\nchemistry results, over the impact of drugs on gene expression, to the outcomes of drugs in clinical trials. These\r\ndata are typically not connected together, which reduces the ease with which insights can be gained. Linking\r\nOpen Drug Data (LODD) is a task force within the World Wide Web Consortium�s (W3C) Health Care and Life\r\nSciences Interest Group (HCLS IG). LODD has surveyed publicly available data about drugs, created Linked Data\r\nrepresentations of the data sets, and identified interesting scientific and business questions that can be answered\r\nonce the data sets are connected. The task force provides recommendations for the best practices of exposing\r\ndata in a Linked Data representation. In this paper, we present past and ongoing work of LODD and discuss the\r\ngrowing importance of Linked Data as a foundation for pharmaceutical R&D data sharing.